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영국 현지 UAL 교수님 방문_ 갤러리투어 진행 (3월 13일)

작성일 : 조회수 : 2638



                                       Philippe Parreno: VOICES, 2024. Installation view.


Philippe Parreno challenges the traditional notion of the artist and refuses to be a producer of objects. By exploring the dynamic relationship between exhibition and artwork, and offering “experiences of time,” he pioneered a revolutionary shift in contemporary art forms of the 1990s. Utilizing the methodologies and vocabulary of different media like radio, television, film, and advanced information technology, he tore down the boundaries between reality and fiction, prompting non-linear temporality and radical changes in narrative structure. Multi-layered and intricately interwoven, his works are and in endless motion, impossible to reduce to a single position or medium. To Philippe Parreno, an exhibition is not just an arrangement of artworks, but a creative act in its own right. His interest lies less in the production of objects than in the forms in which they are displayed and the interactions resulting therefrom. As such, each of his exhibitions becomes a fluid and open platform for perceiving and experiencing time.

The exhibition VOICES offers a holistic artistic experience of emotional and synesthetic choreography centered around “multiple voices,” a theme that consistently emerges as a key element in Parreno’s oeuvre. A voice breathes life into objects and enables their transformation into subjects; it is the very protagonist that drives the narrative of the exhibition. Consider AnnLee’s remarkable journey: when she comes to possess a voice, she transforms from a mere manga character into the subject of her own life. To Parreno, a “voice” is both a specter and an algorithm that presides over the appearance and disappearance of life, as well as an entity that vocalizes fact and fiction.


Gala Porras-Kim, 530 National Treasures (2023), Colored pencil and flashe on paper. 4 panels, 181x300cm each.

Leeum Museum of Art presents National Treasures by Gala Porras-Kim, an M1 project exhibition that explores the intricacies that arise when ancient objects, history and modern systems intersect. Showcasing Porras-Kim’s three new works based on Korean cultural heritage and ten national treasures drawn from the museum's collection, the exhibition is also a reflection on the particularity of Leeum as a place where traditional Korean art and contemporary art coexist and continually renegotiate their relationship.

In her research-based practice, Gala Porras-Kim has explored the fraught relationship between institutions such as museums and cultural heritage legislations, and cultural objects. Her works bring our attention to the underlying principles that guide a museum by investigating its cataloging and indexing system, conservation doctrines, and the way in which its collection is presented. They shed light on undecipherable text and lost information, incomplete records and competing histories, revealing the uncertainties that fill the space of a museum.

By calling upon national treasures from both North and South Korea, as well as cultural objects presumed to be taken during the Japanese occupation, the works in this exhibition consider the ways in which the state evaluates and manages artifacts, and how historical contexts of colonization and division have added meanings to our cultural heritage. 530 National Treasures, which brings together national treasures from North and South Korea, reminds us that various entities throughout history, such as imperial Japan, South Korea, and North Korea, have managed cultural heritage differently according to their needs. 37 Korean objects uprooted during the Japanese occupation addresses the issue of cultural property loss, a common challenge faced by countries that were subjected to colonization. By displaying these works alongside the national treasures from the Leeum collection, this exhibition invites the viewers to reflect on the ideas and principles that govern this institution and how it is being enacted at this very moment. 


영국 현지 UAL London College of Fashion(런던 컬리지 오브 패션)의 Philip Scurrah 교수님께서  

3월 하나스쿨오브아트에 방문하여 

하나스쿨오브아트 파운데이션 재학생들을 위한 Gallery Tour를 진행합니다.




Philip Scurrah is lecturer BA Fashion Styling and Production at London College of Fashion whose fashion styling and photographic portfolio as fashion editor and director at national and international magazine titles range from the pioneering global lifestyle Wallpaper* magazine, fashion directorship of Selfridges magazine to fashion director of independent Australian style bible Russh. His worldwide industry expertise has been garnered for catwalk shows and season presentations throughout Europe, Australia and India. Philip’s extensive styling experience also developed an innovative and integrated approach to contemporary photographic image making. His former photographic partnership with Alessandra Kila, working as ‘Kila & Rusharc’ received universal media coverage, most recently featured in the group exhibition ‘Altering Space’ at The SouthWest School of Art in North America (2014). The practitioners also received a Honourable Mention at the International Photography Awards (2014). Now working independently Philip continues to creatively direct and produce for a range of International clients.



전시방문을 통한 리서치 강화 및 영감 얻기.

본질적으로 리서치는 다양한 형태와 다양한 출처로부터 선택된 분야나 주제를 중심으로 광범위한 정보를 수집하는 행위입니다. 창의적인 아티스트들은 일반적으로 독서, 그리기, 실험, 탐구를 통해 아이디어와 기술을 수집하고 창의적 아이디어를 개발하는데 있어서 개인적으로 확립된 패턴을 만들어 창의적인 작품을 탄생시킵니다. 심층적이고 철저한 리서치는 아티스트의 자양분이 되어 탐구할 영역, 실험할 문제, 찾아야 할 해결책을 제시합니다. 


하나스쿨오브아트 202401 파운데이션 재학생


일시 및 장소

일시: 3월 13일

03:00 PM – 05:00 PM:           Introductions and project briefing at Leeum Museum of Art 
05:00 PM – 05:30 PM:           Talk about gallery visit and share their works. 
05:30 PM – 06:00 PM:           Return to Hana School of Art Studio
06:00 PM:   End of day

장소:  Leeum Museum of Art (60-16, Itaewon-ro 55-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea), 



HANA School of Arts는 영국 UAL의 공식인증을 받은 국내유일 UAL 인증 파운데이션 교육기관으로서 

위와 같이 영국 현지 UAL과의 긴밀한 관계를 유지하고 있으며 

주기적으로 영국UAL 교수님들께서 한국에 방문하시어 하나스쿨오브아트 학생들을 위해 

영국 현지 수업방식과 동일한 워크숍 및 다양한 세미나, 특강을 개최하고 있습니다. 

연중 아래의 6개 학교들에서 로테이션으로 방문하고 계시는 영국 현지 교수님들과의 1:1 미팅 및 수업의 기회를 하나스쿨오브아트에서 경험하세요.


  • Camberwell College of Arts
  • Central Saint Martins
  • Chelsea College of Arts
  • London College of Communication
  • London College of Fashion
  • Wimbledon College of Arts


문의:  Tel. 02.539.5557