제 88회 인터뷰부터는 입학심사 결과를 공지하기로 했습니다.
아래의 리스트는 지난 88회 한국에서의 런던예술대학교 입학심사회에
합격한 학교, 학과입니다.
런던예술대학교 합격을 진심으로 축하드립니다~ ♡
CSM Foundation
CSM BA Architecture
CSM BA Fashion (Fashion Print Pathway)
CSM BA Graphic
LCF Foundation
LCF Foundation Degree Womans wear
LCF Foundation Degree Designer Pattern Cutter
LCF Foundation Degree Fashio Styling & Photography
LCF Foundation Degree Fashion Make-up
LCF Foundation Degree Footwear
LCF BA Mens wear
LCF BA Footwear
LCF BA Fashion Womans wear
LCF Fashion Portfolio
LCC Foundation
LCC BA Graphic
LCC BA Advertising & Marketig with event management
Chelsea Foundation
Chelsea BA Interior and Spatial Design
Chelsea MA Curating Recommended
Byamshaw Foundation
Wimbledon Foundation