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런던예술대학교(UAL) CSM 2020년 입학 자리 마감 전공 안내(2020년 4월7일 기준)

작성일 : 조회수 : 89171

CSM 2020년 입학 자리 마감 코스 안내드립니다. 



Please be advised that the following courses at Central Saint Martins are now closed to new international applications for September 2020 entry:


  • Foundation Diploma In Art And Design: all pathways now closed


  • BA (Hons) Textile Design
  • BA (Hons) Ceramic Design
  • BA (Hons) Jewellery Design


  • MA Art and Science
  • MA Fine Art



No further applications can now be submitted, but all applications already submitted will be considered equally.