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런던예술대학교(UAL) 2020년 입학 지원 데드라인 안내

작성일 : 조회수 : 101048


2019년 학사 일정이 시작되고 2020년 입학을 위한 지원서 접수 시즌이 돌아왔습니다~~!!!! 

시간이 정말 빠르게 흐르는 것 같은데요 2020년 UAL 입학 지원을 고려중인 학생들은 아래 과정별 데드라인을 잘 확인하시고 맞춰 준비하셔서 

혹시 데드라인이 지나버려 지원을 못하는 불상사가 생기지 않기를 바라겠습니다~

저희 하나에듀케이션은 UAL한국 단독대표사무소로 UAL 입학 상담부터 지원까지 도움을 드리고 있으니 언제든지 문의해주시면 안내해드리겠습니다~!!! 


1) Application deadline for selected PG courses - 28 February

An equal consideration deadline of 28 February has been introduced for the following PG courses below. Equal consideration guarantee means that we will review all applications received by the deadline in the same way. Overseas offer making on these courses will continue as usual on a rolling basis from October until the application deadline in the end of February. After the deadline, we will review all applications submitted by the deadline and continue interviewing students where appropriate. Please note that these courses will continue considering late applications after 28 February, subject to places being available. Our course pages will reflect this change as soon as the new application cycle opens in early October.

  • London College of Communication:
    • MA Graphic Branding and Identity
    • MA Graphic Media Design
    • MA Illustration and Visual Media
    • MA Interaction Design Communication
    • MA Service Design 
    • MA User Experience Design
  • Camberwell College of Arts:
    • MA Graphic Design Communication 
    • MA Illustration 
  • Chelsea College of Arts:
    • MA Interior and Spatial Design
  • London College of Fashion:
    • MA Fashion Design Technology Womenswear
    • MA Fashion Retail Management 
    • MA Strategic Fashion Marketing

2) UG application deadline - 15 January 

An equal consideration deadline of 15 January will be published for all UG courses for both Home/EU and international applicants, regardless of the application route. Please note that our courses will continue considering late applications after 15 January, subject to places being available. Our course pages will reflect this change as soon as the new application cycle opens in early October.


3) International FE application deadline - 31 January


An equal consideration application deadline of 31 January remains the same for the following courses:

  • CCW Foundation Diploma in Art and Design
  • CSM Foundation Diploma in Art and Design
  • LCF International Preparation for Fashion (Cert HE)
  • LCF International: Introduction to the Study of Fashion

These courses will continue considering late applications after 31 January, subject to places being available. Applicants are advised to apply as early as possible and we would like to encourage all your students to submit their applications by 31 January to ensure equal consideration. Please also be reminded that the CSM FAD Fashion and Textiles pathway will continue to be assessed in London only (following 31st January deadline) and will not be offered during non-UK interviews. Students can continue to be interviewed overseas for all other CSM FAD pathways: Fine Art, Graphic Communication Design and 3D Design and Architecture.

This FE deadline does not apply to LCC Level 3: International Introduction to the Study of Design, Media and Screen and Cert HE: Preparation for Design, Media and Screen courses, which will continue considering applications on a rolling basis until full.